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Concatenated Words


Given a list of words (without duplicates), please write an algorithm to find all concatenated words in the given list.

Example 1



def findConcatenatedWords(words):

# Create an empty set to store all
# the concatenated words
resultSet = set()

# Loop through all the words given in the
# input list
for word in words:

# If the current word is empty
# then continue
if len(word) == 0:

# If the current word is already present
# in the result set then continue
if word in resultSet:

# Flag variable to tell if the current
# word can be formed using words already
# present in the result set
flag = 0

# Create a temporary set which will store
# all the concatenated words which will be
# formed by the current word
tmp = set()

# Loop through all the characters of the
# current word
for i in range(len(word)):

# Slice the word from 0 to i + 1
# to check if it is present in the
# result set
if word[:i + 1] in resultSet:
flag = 1

# If the word is present in the result
# set then add the sliced word to the
# temporary set
tmp.add(word[:i + 1])

# If flag is 1 then it means that the
# current word can be formed using the
# words present in the result set
# Hence add the word to the result set
if flag == 1:

# Union the temporary set with the result set
resultSet = resultSet | tmp

# Return the result set
return resultSet

# Driver Code
words = ["cat", "cats", "catsdogcats",
"dog", "dogcatsdog", "hippopotamuses",
"rat", "ratcatdogcat"]
